Student Testimonials

As a graduate student, I would like to share my personal journey. It was a unique experience like no other! I learned many things in this course that will benefit me for life and lifetimes to come beyond just the physical body that so many of us focus on at the expense of our true power in our subtle bodies!  As I continue to practice and apply the methods taught. AetherX is more than just student training. It’s the true unlocking of the power you have and possess as you are discovering your real whole self in all the subtle bodies you possess connected to everything that is, this light energy of all and this light energy that flows in your body, we found is not flowing like should, its knotted and needs softened, and freed to flow unimpeded. Brad gently guides us on the path to true consciousness awakening, and as we untie the knots and blocked energies that are now freed to flow in peace and harmony with Universe, we become more connected to everything naturally by default! We start to see both the seen and the unseen in true beauty and balance the Universe truly is!  

We are given masterful keys to unblock the blockages of illusion of separation and fragmentation that has us thinking isolated thoughts of separation and freeing us into the true unity consciousness expansion awareness of oneness we are with the Universe! 

We work on all this and soften the stuck energies that have stopped us from feeling the true peace, harmony and magic we are with everything around us in perfect balance.

This also opens the door to the subtle planes and the magic these planes hold that are much more powerful than the physical body we are. This is the true magic we don’t pay much attention to that starts to unfold within us. Working directly with true teachings of the Aethers, and torsion fields and paraboloids and the true concepts of the sun and living Universe we are connected to.

Brad shows us beautiful magical unifying oneness keys within ourselves and Universe as a whole to unlock in many different forms and pathways that lead to true empowerment within and true light activation of the unblocked real Light being we are as a living energy in a truly balance Universe at oneness with itself. Activating your Kundalini is lifechanging! Surrendering to the mother energy in the perfect living moment where the true oneness you are with all shines in harmony in your soul and the blocks lose their ability to seem real with light streaming in to heal us and others in ways that are as simple as becoming calm, getting in a parasympathetic state and surrender to the perfection of the Mother Kundalini now activate within our light bodies to Run the Mother Kundalini healing energy. Brad keeps things as simple as possible!

AetherX (Academy) is the 1st program of this type I know of in the world to combine this into one package for you to be blessed by. This also unblocks a new reality around us physically spiritually mentally emotionally and in every subtle body as they all connect to truly communicate for most of us for the very 1st time!  It gives us more confidence from our divine light we truly are to heal and be the healer we are within. Most of what happens is beyond normal words and language, and this is why it's beyond what can be thought or talked about but must be experienced and truly practiced being felt and self-realized within. You start to lose interest in things that do not truly serve you, that may have blocked us or took us on the wrong path of self-illusion in the physical over the spiritual and subtle energy bodies that truly make us magical. You start to Automatically see and tune into those things that are most important. You are on a path that once you wake up on, you will never see the world the same again or return to something that lost its illusion to appear real to the true power you are within your divine light.  

AetherX Academy, it’s more than a normal Academy, but welcome to your living Academy of self-discovery and empowerment to be the truly the truly wonderful enlightened unblocked being within you that you truly are. We are so glad you are here to reap the benefits and blessings of this wonderful Course. Peace and blessings. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, Om Namaskar.

~ Kyle Spaulding

I have been a student of Brad’s for 4 cycles now. To really see how this journey as an Aetherx Academy student and now coach has changed my life, I have to tell you a story. I will make it brief.

My awakening journey started during COVID and the Canadian Freedom Convoy. My family used to watch the news on repeat all day long. I am triple vaccinated and thoroughly believed the main stream media. Well I began seeing things that did not compute with what the news was saying.

I started watching Brad as he pulled tarot on the current events. I can say at this time in my life I was very much asleep. I was full of anxiety over the future and resentments of the past. My mind would not stop thinking about these things. Brad put out a call for students, I applied, and I was picked to be a student during his first cycle. I have continued with him since then.

The knowledge gained has greatly helped me. I am now mostly in the now. I am not tortured by the monkey mind. I have purpose and although this crazy world is a lot at times, things don’t seem to get under my skin.

How did this happen? We learnt breathwork, inner release techniques to help clear out traumas, we learnt to work with the causal astral and physical planes to bring about manifestations.

Brad also gifted us a kundalini awakening. Through this, we have learnt to work with the kundalini and heal others and our environments. We have learnt resonant dowsing which is my favorite. I am now imbuing everyday objects with magic( source Center vibration and the kundalini healing power). This has given me a way to help others and my family.

This journey has greatly improved my quality of life. It has made me calmer and a better mom and wife. I feel less bogged down with issues of the past and worries of the future. I heal my physical pain and have ways to get through life’s challenges. I can say that this has been more effective then the 20 plus years of counselling that I have done.

I highly highly recommend this class if you want to learn how to transform yourself and your life. Brad gives practical ways to integrate these teachings into our daily lives on Earth. In other words you will learn how to bring heaven to earth.

~ Marcia De Costa

When I joined Brad's Academy all I could say was THANK YOU! I had finally found the real deal. Brad took us step by step through the most important aspects of personal healing. With breath work, trauma releasing, into kundalini awakening, and gave us tools to go home with at the end of the day to stay well. But it's more than this.....the Academy offered me an upgrade improving all the subtle areas of my life. And it's painless, easy to digest, and the team available for guidance and support when you get stuck is astounding. The Academy changed my life by giving me tools for profound change on a daily basis. This is how it's supposed to be! It's brilliant. Thank you Brad.

~ Chyrese Soubasis

I would like to say a big Thank you to you for all knowledge you had given us in the past 6 months of AetherX Academy training. I am surprised that in this training,  you did not only passed us your knowledge,  but you had also done the Kundalini Rising and initiate our Sahasrara which I felt that these had raised my energy greatly which gave me the ability to use Kundalini healing energy to heal myself and my family members.

I had 2 examples of using Kundalini healing energy on my daughter and my husband. My husband had an indigestion after a heavy dinner and woke up late at night to vomit, I heard him trying to vomit in the toilet but he told me he did not manage to vomit anything and the indigestion is killing him, so I used the Kundalini healing energy on his stomach, upon the 2nd round of sending the healing energy to his stomach. 

Immediately, he rushed to the toilet bowl and vomited all the food stuck in his stomach successfully and he felt so much better. The 2nd person who benefitted from the Kundalini healing energy was my daughter,  she had very bad pain on her forehead for past 1 year, and she felt the pain every other day. She rated the pain at level 10 which level 1 is the least pain. So I started to use the Kundalini healing energy on her in the past 1 month and throughout this 1 month, she told me her pain had been reducing as each day passed. It had even reduced from whole forehead in pain to only half the forehead and now the level of pain had reduced to 1.

Not only that, the duration of pain had also greatly reduced! I am very shocked and happy to know that I can heal them with no medication at all! To think that I knew nothing about healing energy till I am able to heal my family members, the credit goes to you, Brad, as you had taught us whole heartedly.

Also I am grateful to you on the fees you collected from us was at an affordable rate as I knew some coaches charges at very high rate to attend such courses. Lastly for myself,  I had learnt to let go alot of unnecessary anger and unhappiness in my workplace and learnt to be appreciative for what i owned. I will continue to practice what you had taught us. Thank you again! 

~ Chow Foon Yuong